Friday, 21 November 2014

Alec Dudson Workshop

For the first section of the workshop we have been asked to come with a concept for an independent magazine in groups.

Group Four:

Before we started discussing ideas I wanted to have a quick look at some independent magazines to see what kind of topics have already been covered.

Magazine Research 

International Designers Network prides itself on doing all the things that are normally considered too expensive or too difficult to do with ink on paper. It’s grown into one of the world’s most ambitious and highly regarded design magazines, and it really does have to be seen to be believed – pictures on a screen can’t do it justice!

A magazine of unexpected creativity, Works That Work takes a totally fresh approach to design to shine a light on the most ingenious – and often under-appreciated – creations of our times.

“A field guide to hidden creativity”, Makeshift scours the globe to report on ingenious tales of innovation wherever they pop up around the world.

It calls itself ‘The happy mag for kids’, but really that’s just Anorak being modest. It should call itself ‘The happy, cool, clever mag for kids and grown ups and anyone else who likes to see a good story well told’. With its lovely illustrations and charming tales, Anorak is one of our most distinctive and popular titles.

When it launched in January 2011, Delayed Gratification introduced the world to the concept of slow journalism; in an age of instant comment and 24-hour rolling news, it takes a more careful, considered approach to what’s going on in the world. Each issue looks back over the last three months to present big news stories and miscellaneous oddities with the benefit of hindsight, mixing long form journalism with clever infographics and expert analysis, it’s a great read and a totally fresh way of seeing the news.

Everything about Elephant is special, from its in-depth art coverage to its lovely cloth spine (the loveliness of which, sadly, never comes across online). Each quarterly issue follows a theme, which the team uses as a jumping off point to present wonderfully thoughtful arts coverage and beautiful photography in a genuinely exceptional editorial package.

Arguably the greatest, most authoritative independent design title in the world, Eye is the London-based magazine that casts its gaze over visual culture in all its forms, from graphic design and photography through illustration and typography.

For the morning part of the workshop we have been asked to consider the following:

We started off by brainstorming some ideas and decided to base the content around the idea of people with unusual jobs. The idea is to have each issue of the magazine based on a different area of work and interview people involved. So if it was on strippers for example, we would interview strippers, people who have used strippers, strip club owners......etc.

The name we have decided on for now is 'UNTOLD' as we felt this best represented the content and added an element of mystery.

The audience will be young people that are intrigued about other peoples lives.

The aesthetics will need to reflect the gritty nature of the content so it will use traditional methods such as raw film photography, relating colours such as red for stripper....

For the kick starter campaign we decided to use a documentary style video that would show short clips of interviews and on location scenes of each professions. We found an example of a vice video that was the kind of format we were proposing:

Front Cover 

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